Monday, April 27, 2015

Buddy is shown being the dog in the farm yard.  There are reactions from other animals, but the outdoor cats just watch him and the ducks ignore him.  Not-Thomas is the black and white cat shown observing Buddy from a safe distance.

On his part, Buddy does not seem inclined to chase or otherwise molest any of the animals.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Buddy, a five year old White Shepherd, joined our farm family today.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

CORRECTION: Finisia Medrano
Fenicia Medrano and company arrived at our farm yesterday.  Six people, eleven horses, a mule and a dog.
They spent the night here and departed midday today.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Our neighbor, Brett Beverage, came by this morning to let us know there were two horses in our alfalfa field. He tried to get a rope on one, but it was skittish and would have none of it.

Susan called the neighbors who own the horses, the Fritz family, and we decided they would be safe in our yard.  So, I walked out across the field to them.  They would go near the gate into the yard, but not through it.  Susan came out to help and we both encouraged them.  After another call to Jon Fritz, we decided they could be left in the field until his work day ended.  At that point, I was pretty far north in the field.  I had to walk back anyway, so I figured I would walk to the horses and encourage them a little further south.  They walked with me and into the yard!!!!  I quickly closed the gate and announced my success.

One of my favorite sayings is, "It's good to be smart, but it's better to be lucky."

Here are a few pictures of them in our yard.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

One of the risers was bent during the fall or winter.  I called Precision Rain and was told that it needed to be dug up and replaced.  I started digging.

The man came to finish the digging and replace the riser and he decided that it just needed a new top welded on.  Another person came and did that.

Before the repair:

After the repair: